Sunday, March 28, 2010

Difference Between Bulgarian and Canadian Education

              There are many differences between the Bulgarian and Canadian education system. First, children go to school in first grade when they are in age of seven, and completed his primary education in grade seventh . During this period, the classes that they taught in public schools are the same for everybody. They include not only Bulgarian language and literature ,but also mathematics, physics, biology as well, chemistry, history and geography. Second, this is vacation school. After grade seven the children must to choose what kind of school to continue in. They have two opportunities to continue in the high school, or professional high school where students have to pass an entrance exam, if they want to attend it. They have such a wide choice of schools such as technical school of electronic, professional high school of cooking, economics and much more.The third difference is that public university degree is much cheaper and accessible to everybody.In the other hand children in Canada start school at five years old and finish their elementary education in fifth grade. Unlike the Bulgarian education, Canada does not offer different types of high schools and all students take the same courses .To go to universities is not so easy because it is too expensive, nevertheless many students take loan or get a job to support their education.

1 comment:

  1. It's really different from our education way.but go to university as difficult as china too.
